Thursday, November 05, 2015

 I dug deep into the journals to find these sketches done during my time in Seminary in Emmitsburg Maryland  1996 & 97. 

Saturday, August 08, 2015

Mark 5:21-43

 I began this piece on Mark 5 about a month before retreat.  Upon the first reading of the story, I was thinking to myself there's more that Jesus wants us to see about Jarius and the Woman.  I started  to go through the reading line by line and began to sketch some of the words and images.  I saw things that both Jarius and the woman did...they both "fell before him".  I also saw the differences in ways they approached Jesus..."coming forward" and "came behind him."  The images help me to see the many details that Mark describes for us- which hold deeper meanings than they seem to hold at first glance.
While on retreat this was the first work I was able to complete this and pray with it art work.

A couple of mornings I awoke at 4:30am and just began these images- as an early morning prayer.
John 15

During the last day or so of retreat we read John 15.  As a gardener, I spent a lot of time with the vine and branches image.  I was thinking about how true it is that pruning usually always makes for a healthier and more fruitful plant. I can sometimes feel like I've pruned too much and the plant may not recover, yet I can not think of a time when that has happened. This year I pruned my tomato plants because they were so large and unruly.  The results: bigger tomatoes, more tomatoes.  I'm hoping to remain with Jesus there, in the garden (enjoying those home grown tomatoes).

August 2013

Monday, July 27, 2015

In November of 2012 Fr. John Kavanaugh, a well known Jesuit teacher, preacher and philosopher died. One of the sisters that I was living with at the time attended his funeral mass at College Church on Grand Ave.  She shared with us that the homilist said that Fr. Kavanaugh was someone who, "Evoked love."  The image of stirring up God's love in another person was striking to's what I hope I do when I am with others, evoke the love of God to come forth.

Tuesday, June 09, 2015

My image for today's Gospel reading (lower part of the page)-
Jesus said, ...You are the light of the world. A city set on a mountain cannot be hidden....Just so your light must shine before others...

Sunday, June 07, 2015

A few years ago my sister traveled to China and Tibet.  The pictures various doors of Tibet were striking.  In the collage, you can see the Tibetan door in the center surrounded by the other images that for me have to do with prayer.  The drawing I just completed- also inspired by the door.  I may or may not add color to it.

Saturday, May 30, 2015

The Spirit has inspired me to show some of the art work I have done over the years.  In the past couple of years I have done more praying with art, often using a quote from scripture or spiritual reading that captures me.  Many are sort of 'sketch quotes.'  I will be adding images bit by bit in the weeks to come.